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Bellscoin Upcoming Milestones

Current Block Height: 220790

Taproot Activation

The target block height was reached on 9/17/2024, 3:48:44 PM.

Epoch 4

Target Block Height: 259201

Blocks Remaining: 38411

Time remaining: 26 days, 16 hours, 11 minutes, 0 seconds

Estimated activation date: 11/6/2024, 2:29:44 AM

Epoch 5

Target Block Height: 518401

Blocks Remaining: 297611

Time remaining: 206 days, 16 hours, 11 minutes, 0 seconds

Estimated activation date: 5/5/2025, 2:29:44 AM

Taproot will make Bellscoin's smart contract features more compact, potentially more private, and in some cases a bit more flexible.

The Epoch 4 and Epoch 5 on Bellscoin represent the reduction of block rewards. There will be a 90% reduction at the start of Epoch 4 and a final reduction on Epoch 5 where the block rewards will go down to only 2 $BEL per minute.

Support the Bellscoin Army. Send your donations to the addresses below:


Send $USDT (ERC-20): 0xdb9Fa415A41559450d401D90974af883339553CF

The funds raised will be primarily used for listing and liquidity provisioning (LP).

Any remaining funds will be utilized for the development of the Bellscoin ecosystem.

Visit the Bellscoin Donation page for updates.

Thank you. Stay Bellish!

Created by: z4ch

Source: github