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Bellscoin Upcoming Milestones

Current Block Height: 190472

Taproot Activation

The target block height was reached on 9/17/2024, 1:37:05 PM.

Epoch 4

Target Block Height: 259201

Blocks Remaining: 68729

Time remaining: 47 days, 17 hours, 29 minutes, 0 seconds

Estimated activation date: 11/6/2024, 12:18:05 AM

Epoch 5

Target Block Height: 518401

Blocks Remaining: 327929

Time remaining: 227 days, 17 hours, 29 minutes, 0 seconds

Estimated activation date: 5/5/2025, 12:18:05 AM

Taproot will make Bellscoin's smart contract features more compact, potentially more private, and in some cases a bit more flexible.

The Epoch 4 and Epoch 5 on Bellscoin represent the reduction of block rewards. There will be a 90% reduction at the start of Epoch 4 and a final reduction on Epoch 5 where the block rewards will go down to only 2 $BEL per minute.

If you want to keep this site alive, tips are welcome.

Send $BEL: BDdy43DBm2DYpGmCWM18P5LUxvGAzKB2L3

Send $DOGE: D6HD15zavY2LK45PJ5s7WzmVYjTjoDi8L6

Thank you. Stay Bellish!

+1 $BEL 510fade31352c3925a1e293bcd1d20b4e250407f53a444ac72d246c0669915c9

+2 $BEL cc3e755a3e27a9bb8748b500f65c84dd3ab6c4ae6f26891891f220f56efdf900

+3 $BEL 970b224cba2fec261c713e42ad3c9d95f5de090c60c9194b245e8339418882c4

+3 $BEL db6a9059f6eef542eaa65cfcd1788962fa393efdbc0098540b6170dd15f10f69

+0.5 $BEL a69c886a64853a256c09f4a7f5b281ddf9858a2f4959bc7aa946e4a5945ceb50

+2.69 $BEL 699aba79cf7323365691aec60c5a1213f7a19861df5fdaebbef54cb02fd42b5b

Created by: z4ch

Source: github